MaaTec Sudoku Program
All Sudoku puzzles that you can download from this site were created with
the MaaTec Sudoku application.
You will find more information about the creation of these Sudokus on the Tutorial pages.
But the MaaTec Sudoku program has far more capabilities than only creating
and printing Sudokus.
Playing Sudokus
You can solve Sudoku puzzles that were created by the program directly on
the computer. Therefore you can play either with the scalable standard board
or you load one of many different board and pieces graphics that can perceptibly
enhance your playing experience. The colored pieces may also facilitate to
solve a Sudoku, as you can find multiple occurrences of numbers more easily.
Should you nonetheless get stuck in the game, the Sudoku program offers various
hint functions that can mark uniquely solvable cells or numbers in the wrong
the place.
Solving Sudokus
You can enter Sudoku puzzles from other sources like books or magazines and
play them on the computer or let the program display the solution. You
can look at the solution via the 'Print Preview' command or you copy it
and put it on the clipboard (Ctrl-X) to paste it into other applications.
Editing Sudokus
MaaTec Sudoku allows to modify
the visible numbers of newly created or entered Sudokus. This way you can simplify
Sudoku puzzles by revealing more numbers
or you can create Sudokus with symmetrical patterns of visible cells. Those
patterns may be saved and later reused for other Sudokus.
Using Sudokus in other Applications
You can copy Sudoku puzzles or their solution and put them on the clipboard.
Thereby the data is copied as text and as scalable Windows metafile. To paste
the latter for example into a Word document, use the 'Paste Special...' command
(otherwise word processors will paste the data as text by default). In the
'Paste Special' dialog choose the 'Enhanced Metafile' format. Now you can rescale
the graphic inside the document without loss of quality.